Cookies policy

1. Information about cookies

Due to the coming into force of the amendment to the “Law on Services of the Information Society” (LSSICE) established by the Spanish Royal Decree 13/2012, it is mandatory to obtain the express consent of the user of all the webpages which use dispensable cookies, before browsing them.

2. What are cookies?

Cookies and other similar technologies such as local shared objects are tools used by web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors, as well as to enable the proper functioning of the website.

Through using these devices, the web server is able to remember some data concerning the user, such as their preferences for viewing the server’s pages, their name and password, products that interest them most, etc.

3. Deactivation of cookies

You can deactivate the use of cookies at any time through the modification of the configuration parameters:

For the configuration of cookies Internet Explorer
For the configuration of cookies Firefox
For the configuration of cookies Google Chrome
For the configuration of cookies Safari

According to third-party cookies, we cannot be responsible for the content and veracity of the privacy policy included by them, so the information offered here is referred to the source.

Here you have the detailed cookies that you can install through the Website.

Nom Categoria Descripció Propietat Durada
wp-wpml_current_language Funcional Desa la configuració de l’idioma Tercers 1 dia
wp-wpml_current_admin_language Funcional Determina l’idioma en el que es mostra el contingut de la pàgina Tercers La durada de la sessió
wordpress_logged_in Funcional S’activa durant el login i desa els detalls d’autenticació Pròpia 1 any
wordpress_sec Funcional Cookie usada per WordPress per mantenir la sessió oberta per un usuari registrat Tercers La durada de la sessió
_wcml_dashboard_currency Anàlisi Cookie usada per determinar la moneda usada en aquest lloc web Tercers La durada de la sessió
email_id Funcional Cookie usada per la subscripció al newsletter d’un usuari Tercers 1 any