Legal notice

1. Identification data

The owner entity of the website (from now on, “The Website”) is Agrupació Catalana del Tèxtil i la Moda (from now on, “RESPONSIBLE ”), NIF G65652232 and social address in Milà i Fontanals, 14-26, 1r (08012) Barcelona, with protocol number 1518.

2. Contact

If you wish to contact us, you can use the details in the Contact section. For issues related to the privacy policy, you can consult our privacy policy here.

3. Use of the Website

The use of this website attributes to yourself the condition of user. The user accepts, using this website, the conditions reflected in this document.
The user is committed to making appropriate and diligent use of the content and services of the Website, in accordance with the law, morality, public order and these conditions of use, and must abstain from using the content and services in any way that prevent, damage or deteriorate the proper functioning and the experience of the Website for other users, or could cause damage of the goods and rights of RESPONSIBLE, other users or, in general, any third party.

Additionally, without these lines defining the general scope of the obligation in the previous paragraph, the user is obligated in the use of the Website to: (a) not introduce or disseminate content or information in a racist, sexist, xenophobic, pornographic, offensive, obscene manner, or defending terrorism, encouraging violence or attempting against human rights, or in any way attempt against morality, public order, fundamental rights, public liberty, honour, intimacy or the image of third parties, and, in general, the current regulations; (b) not cause damage to the physic and logic systems of RESPONSIBLE or third persons, neither introduce, collect or disseminate through the Website any program, date, informatic viruses, codes or any physic and logic systems which are sensitive to cause the mentioned damages; (c) not use the Website, the content and, in particular, the information from the Website to send publicity, messages with the purpose of direct selling or any commercial objective, neither collect personal data of others.

4. Intellectual and industrial property

The user recognizes that all the elements used on the Website (for example: images, software, texts and brands) are protected for the intellectual and industrial property rights of RESPONSIBLE or the respective licensee, and is committed to respecting these rights.

Unless the law stipulates the opposite, the user can not reproduce, transform, change, do inverse engineering, distribute, rent, lend, put at somebody’s disposal, or permit access to the general public through any modality of public communication of none of the elements referred to the previous paragraph, without authorization of the right holders.

5. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibilities

RESPONSIBLE just will respond to the damage suffered by the user because of the Website use when this damage is attributable to a fraudulent action of RESPONSIBLE. The user recognizes and accepts that the use of the Website is at his own risk and responsibility.

RESPONSIBLE will act diligently, according to the uses generally accepted in the sector, to avoid the presence of viruses on the Website which can cause alterations to the informatic system of the user, however, can not guarantee the absence of these elements, not being responsible for the damage which these can cause.

As an illustrative and no restrictive character, RESPONSIBLE is not responsible for the prejudices which can derive from: (a) inferences, omissions, interruptions, informatic viruses, breakdowns or disconnections of the equipment and user devices, motivated for RESPONSIBLE external causes; (b) interruptions or blocks in the use caused by failure or overload of the Internet or other electronic systems; (c) prejudices caused by third persons through legitim interruptions on the Website; and (d) the impossibility to provide service or permit access for non-attributable causes to RESPONSIBLE, because of the user, third parties or cases of force majeure.

6. Links to other Internet sites

In links from other sites, RESPONSIBLE doesn’t have control of these sites and contents, nor assume any responsibility for the damages caused in the use of these sites. The inclusion of these links doesn’t implicate any type of association or participation of RESPONSIBLE with these linked sited.

7. Modification of the present conditions

RESPONSIBLE can modify at any time these use conditions and can publish the new conditions on the Website so the user can read them before proceeding to use the Website. The use of the Website once modified the conditions, will mean the acceptance of these conditions.